Healthcare Bruce McCabe Healthcare Bruce McCabe

What's Next in CAR T-Cell Therapy?

The future of medicine is one where all cancers are either 100% curable or turned into manageable diseases. You’ve heard me tell the story in my keynotes for many years. Now it’s time for you to hear from one of the heroes of that story, Bruce Levine …

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Healthcare Bruce McCabe Healthcare Bruce McCabe

Bruce Levine Interview Transcript

The dream is that we will have in vivo therapies of many types. We're going to have them soon with sickle cell disease and perhaps some other hemoglobinopathies … I think we'll see in vivo CAR T-cells, whether that's an autoimmune disease or blood cancers, I can't say at this point. And I think that technology will enable … 

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Artificial Intelligence Bruce McCabe Artificial Intelligence Bruce McCabe

A.I. and the Future of Inequality

Will AI exacerbate inequality? Can we stop that from happening? As the world grapples with guardrails to protect us from future dangers of AI, I thought it timely to talk to an ethicist who has lived and breathed these challenges for decades. Enter, Wendell Wallach, Carnegie-Uehiro fellow at the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs …

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Artificial Intelligence Bruce McCabe Artificial Intelligence Bruce McCabe

WendEll Wallach Interview Transcript

WENDELL WALLACH: That's what really concerns people who see gender bias and racial bias and so forth: the ‘existential risk’ is sucking the air out of the room and it's not letting us address the near-term things that we could actually address. One of the things we could address is just making the bloody people who deploy these things accountable ...

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Healthcare Bruce McCabe Healthcare Bruce McCabe

Three New Frontiers In Cancer Medicine

The story of cancer medicine is multi-threaded. It’s a story of early detection, of surgical removal, of radio- and chemo-therapies, of understanding lifestyle factors, of sequencing and pinpointing genetic factors, and lately of immunotherapies, with each new weapon overlapping and complementing the others. Dr Ben Stanger and his team at the UPenn Perelman School of Medicine are working on 3 new entire armories …

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Healthcare Bruce McCabe Healthcare Bruce McCabe

Ben Stanger Interview Transcript

BEN STANGER: The biggest impact I think in cancer will come not from treating cancer, but from preventing it from happening in the first place. So there is an emerging concept out there now called cancer interception. It's subtly different from prevention …

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Healthcare Bruce McCabe Healthcare Bruce McCabe

Gene Editing to Prevent Heart Disease

We all know someone who has died of a heart attack. That’s because heart disease is the number one killer on our planet today. At a cutting-edge facility at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr Kiran Musunuru is developing something truly extraordinary, a ‘one and done’ gene therapy to reduce heart disease across ALL of humanity …

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Healthcare Bruce McCabe Healthcare Bruce McCabe

Kiran Musunuru Interview Transcript

KIRAN MUSUNURU: What if we could deploy those good mutations across the entire population? Basically what you're doing is you're shifting the entire bell curve [for heart disease]. There's still going to be people who are still at higher risk than the general average population, but they're much better off …

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Artificial Intelligence Bruce McCabe Artificial Intelligence Bruce McCabe

The Real Threat From A.I.

“I've never loved anyone the way I loved you,” Theodore Twombly tells Samantha, and Samantha, replies, “Me too. Now we know how.” It’s a soulful exchange from a beautiful movie – Her – and it leaves the viewer in no doubt that Theodore, played Joaquin Phoenix, is truly and deeply and go-to-sleep-dreamy, in love …

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Sustainability, Decarbonization, Insurance Bruce McCabe Sustainability, Decarbonization, Insurance Bruce McCabe

The Future of Insurance in a Warming World

Insurance companies must deal with the financial realities of climate change. They must make quantitative decisions and translate risks into dollars. They must do it for today’s impacts and predicted future impacts. And behind the insurance companies are the reinsurance companies who act as shock absorbers to the industry on a global scale …

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Sustainability, Decarbonization, Insurance Bruce McCabe Sustainability, Decarbonization, Insurance Bruce McCabe

Trent Thomson Interview Transcript

TRENT THOMSON: The frequency of those perils – wildfire, floods, storms – have gone up by about 450% over 30 years, for very large losses. And the severity of those events have gone up by 1,500%. And so, what's driving that? It's economic growth, it's the value of the assets. It's the urbanization, people wanting to live more in cities, around the world, and that concentration of risk ...

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Artificial Intelligence, Computing Bruce McCabe Artificial Intelligence, Computing Bruce McCabe

Neuromorphic Computing AND THE FUTURE OF A.I.

I’m calling neuromorphic computing the most important computer engineering research in the world, now and through the next 20 years. That’s right, more important than quantum computing (you heard it hear first!). Why? Because everything we want to do in the future of AI, everywhere we want to go long-term, is predicated on transitioning to …

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Artificial Intelligence Bruce McCabe Artificial Intelligence Bruce McCabe

Should we worry about Skynet?

It has become fashionable in recent times for doomsayers to talk of AI as an existential threat, by which they mean something akin to the malevolent Skynet system in The Terminator movie franchise that goes rogue and launches nukes to annihilate humanity. So, is such a nightmare a probable part of our future?

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Artificial Intelligence Bruce McCabe Artificial Intelligence Bruce McCabe

Exponential A.I.

We’ve barely scratched the surface of the AI opportunity. The horizons are expanding at warp speed. Each time we approach the limits of today’s AI, the next step-change will open up new layers of opportunity. Everywhere I look, every industry, every business, every job function, I come up with endless lists of useful AI applications to boost efficiency, save money and improve outcomes …

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